
Wednesday, 12 June 2013


The Lean

Its funny the little things that make such big a difference. Getting back into the swing of living with a dog, I'd long forgotten about all the things that make canines so utterly rewarding.

Helicopter Bum

Random tail wags are probably the best endorsement I can relate to from any dog. Its the canine equivalent of "yes! I'm so happy to see you!!!" or "oh boy am I excited!". I call Lottie "helicopter bum" because her tail wags so fast that I swear she's going to get airborne.

The Smooch Pooch

Another is the unsolicited smooch. Lottie will sometimes randomly walk over to me and gently touch her nose to mine (I don't know much about other Greyhounds, but Lottie isn't a licky dog, which suits us just fine), its unsolicited, honest and affectionate. I love it

The Lean

My all time favourite is commonly known amongst Greyhound owners as "the lean". Lottie will amble over and lean into me, putting enough weight against me so that I know she's there whilst trusting me enough not to move away (she'd fall over if I did). You know your Greyhound trusts you when you are the recipient of the lean.

Dog training books talk about owners bonding with their dogs, but I reckon there's also a hell of a lot to be said for dogs bonding with their owners (in fact Lottie pretty much owns our hearts lock stock and barrel).

Why Greyhounds

If you've been reading my ramblings you'll probably have worked out I am besotted with Lottie and Greyhounds.

They're a great breed, even if you're not used to owning a bigger dog. Don't take my word for it though, check out what these other greyhound owners have to say

So does your pet have any endearing habits that make it special? Do share we'd love to hear!

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